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CoLibri eDaVinci Book Covering Machine
CoLibri eDaVinci Book Covering Machine
CoLibri eDaVinci Book Covering Machine
CoLibri eDaVinci Book Covering Machine

CoLibri eDaVinci Book Covering Machine


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Library Book Covering Machine
Price: $1999 + Gst

Auto-Cut, "No Hands Required" for speedy book covering of Library Books, Picture Books, Textbooks and School Books. Ideal for Primary Schools, Libraries and High Schools. 
Operates by a touch of a button on the top of the machine or by one press of the foot pedal.

When your book is covered with CoLibri Book Covers, it forms a casing similar to a tight dust jacket which is sealed across the top and bottom of the book.
This custom made perfect-fit cover does not stick to the book like normal contact, but simply sits tightly on the outside of the book.

This means that anyone can use the CoLibri Book Covering Machine to cover a book, and produce the same perfect result, every time! There is no danger of bubbles or ruining a book like when using contact.

Manufacturer:  CoLibri Systems S.p.A (Italy)
Max Weld Length:  630mm
Operation Type:  Fully automatic (one touch auto cut feature)
Covers Required: CoLibri Child Safety Certified Covers
Cover sizes that can be used:  Mini, Standard and Big CoLibri Covers
Max Trimming Speed:  2.5 seconds
Max Welding Temp:  160 degrees celcius
Weight:  8kg
Dimensions:  710 x 90 x 440 mm


  • Covers and Protects ANY sized book
  • Works with the Mini, Standard and Big CoLibri Covers
  • Push Button or Foot Pedal activation
  • Produces a custom fit jacket in just 20 seconds
  • No Glue or Adhesives used
  • Easy to use, operate and store